Guidance for Branches
Sighting of Asian Hornet in Branch Area
Branches are encouraged to support members in the following way:
- Appoint a Coordinator to act as Point of Contact for Asian Hornet sightings – could be Swarm or Disease Coordinator
- Encourage Swarm Collectors to become Branch Experts on Asian Hornet & to take a lead in responding to sightings
- Create a list of members willing to assist in surveillance following a sighting – members do not need to be experienced beekeepers (but having reasonable eyesight would be useful.)
- Encourage members to liaise with their neighbour beekeepers (including non-members) and be ready to respond to a local sighting
- Maintain a record of details of sightings including location & person
- Liaise with other Branches through their Coordinator to provide ‘neighbourly’ support
- Support County-wide training through DBKA
- Assist in provision of equipment such as: shrimp nets, traps, camera, binoculars, sample jars/pots with lids, compass, mobile phones with GPS, large scale maps, note-books & pens
- Ensure your Branch website is up to date (link to DBKA website if appropriate)