Diary Dates

In 2023, EC Meeting dates are – 21st January, 11th March, 24th June, 23rd September, 25th November and will be held via ZOOM. Viv Thorn will officiate and send out the relevant links.

Members may attend meetings of any Branch, but it is advisable (and courteous) to contact the Branch Secretary first. Contact details can be found in the DBKA  Members’ Directory or on the Branch Secretaries page of this website. Please check dates and times of events with the host organisation.

Many Branches open their Apiaries to members during ‘the season’, some weekly, some fortnightly. Please contact the local secretary for details.


As travel restrictions are lifted the Diary Dates will be updated monthly!

February15th19:30TavistockHoney Hygiene
Zoom talk with Andy Pedley
Contact: Carleigh boyce events.tavybees@gmail.com
March26th10:00 - 15:00
Mary Tavy
TavistockHive Building Workshop

in person hive building workshop (flat pack hive building and repair)

Contact: Helen Tworkowski helen.tworkowski11@gmail.com

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