Diary Dates


Members may attend meetings of any Branch, but it is advisable (and courteous) to contact the Branch Secretary first. Contact details can be found in the DBKA  Members’ Directory or on the Branch Secretaries page of this website. Please check dates and times of events with the host organisation.

Many Branches open their Apiaries to members during ‘the season’, some weekly, some fortnightly. Please contact the local secretary for details.

February22nd12:00 til 15:00B4ProjectSustainable Beekeeping

Mount Edgcumbe Apiary Day

23rd09:00 til 15:00B4ProjectCalstock Arts Centre presents, The B4 Project - Honey Bee Symposium

We have brough together an impressive line up of knowledgeable beekeepers, academics and politicians presenters

This symposium provides an unique opportunity to unite science, conservation and community around sustainable solutions for our honey bee populations. Whether you're a beekeeper, policymaker or concerned citizen, you should be alarmed by the fact that we imported c35,000 honey bee queens into Britain from Southern Europe in 2024. Most of the imports were backdoored through Northern Ireland and a lot were resold with misleading provenance.

Lord Robin Teverson
Anna Gelderd MP (in diary)
Professor Mairi Knight-University of Plymouth, Professor Grace McCormack-University of Galway, Norman Carreck-Sussex University, Associate Professor Jon Ellis-University of Plymouth, Dr Matthew Richardson-Edinburgh University, Professor Alice Pinto- Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Dr Maria Bouga- Agricultural University of Athens, Kathy Lovegrove- Mount Edgcumbe Apiary, Selwyn Runnett-B4.

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